Tuesday, October 29, 2013

YESHA Council Media Coverage

Media Coverage

As the official representative of the Jewish communities of Judea & Samaria, the YESHA Council is often the clearinghouse for opinion-editorial articles, responses to news developments, and general commentary on behalf of the 'settlement community'.

YESHA Council's Chief Foreign Envoy, Dani Dayan is interviewed by the international press on a daily basis and his opinion articles have been printed in some of the most influential media outlets in the world. 

A sampling of Dani's recent Op-eds includes his argument for a "two stage solution," in the  LA Times; how the two state formula is doomed to fail, in the New York Times; his advice to President Obama in the Boston Globe; explaining how an Israeli Judea & Samaria are part of the only viable solution to peace, in the London's The Guardian; and warning against negotiating away Jewish communities, in the USA Today

In addition, there are many other friends of YESHA who are also regularly featured in the media that we would like to bring to your attention.  Among those are Northwestern University Professor Eugene Kontorovich who points out the hypocrisy of the EU threatening to boycott the Jewish communities of Judea & Samaria in the Jerusalem Post, David Rubin of Shiloh and Ruth Lieberman of Alon Shvut featured in this CBN  report on the Jewish residents of Judea and Samaria and this JCPA
video clearly explaining why Israel cannot accept a UN presence to protect her citizens.

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